Friday, November 9, 2007

My Entry to Blogosphere

Why I tried a Blog?

1. Because I feel like more of the people are being what is called the Blog-beings first, and then Human beings second, (but not all are the second ones). I just felt like starting my own.
2. Blog can be great just to pass the time out, but usually time tends to pass you away..
3. Opening a blog is Nothing big, just as simple as opening a google account, (may be easier)
4. and, feedbacks... that backs up all that feed the motive for me to start a BLOG.

Keep in touch.....

And I am very lazy. So expect little and less......

And expect anything, possibly my MOODS that may sometimes turn on your mood, and who knows, sometimes boil your mind out...

I do not take any responsibility as such for such unpleasent experiences...

May be too much,

Hope ti see u next time, but do not be very optimistic....


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